Lovebeing Programmes

Lovebeingmyself Program


Our journey’s consist of many different situations, situations which never truly die, they only transform either into darkness or light. The darkness reminds us that there is… more here.

We have a choice in what we say to ourselves on a daily basis. We can disagree with ourselves if we hear something that could be untrue. The roots of what we think are.. more here.

The connections we make on a daily basis with others is phenomenal, from the glance at a stranger in the street, to the social media check as we open our eyes from a nights sleep. 

Do our connections really make a difference to our health and wellbeing or are we overreacting when we believe we are ‘what we eat’? 

more here.

In our minds we call ourselves names associated with the aftermath of being abused, depending on the abuse, the names change slightly but all mean the same thing.

There are various forms of abuse which we can endure while growing up and then this can carry on into our relationships with more other abusers. Our suffering, if left unhealed will… more here.

Will that set me free from the anger, fear, pain or mental health condition that has plagued my life for so long?

If I forgive you, I can love me.

Your mission towards self-love is littered with people, experiences and memories which very often prevent you from accepting yourself as good enough… more here.

So, what is this Darkness that lives within us and surrounds us on a daily basis. What role does it play in our lives, is it all bad or can it be the signpost to our light?


The darkness serves as a beacon of light (believe it or not)  into what we need to do, forgive, leave behind or learn from, to find the answers to our own personal questions. 


The light serves as a beacon of inner peace, wholeness and self love, without the need to attain anything extra to make us whole.

More here.

Business Startup Program PT I


Starting your own business is a pipe dream for many. The grandiose ideas we hold in our memories which carry us from day to day of running a large blue chip company making millions, leaves many of us with a feeling of… more here.

Here we give you a basic overview of the nuts and bolts of a business which has been built with a solid concrete foundation of what it takes to start, manage and progress a company year to year. Most Startups fail in.. more here.

Self employment is something you can learn, so whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up with any negative criticism’s before you even start. There are a few questions you need to ask yourself, here are a few to… more here.

Is your fear of technology affecting your decision to take the first step towards running your own business? Is your fear of technology affecting your current job or education? Are you avoiding technology as much as possible, only doing the necessary so you can get by?

Technology is not everybody’s cup of tea. However …more here.

Technology & Business Webinars and Workshops

If you feel like you don’t have what it takes in business, we will remove that fear and get you on the road to freedom.

Using technology (an Overview):

  •                 for producing your business plan
  •                 to get started in business

… more here.

Business Startup Program PT II


Time is precious enough as it is, but even more precious when you have to share your full time job and home life with a new business venture. Understanding how time uses us or how we use time is an important step in… more here.

Here we give you the knowledge and guidance you need to produce your own Business plan. This can either be a one or two day workshop. All you require is a computer and some basic computing skills …more here.

Projects have become the smart solution for managing problems, satisfying customer requests and producing results within given time frames and budgets. Starting a business using Project planning is the perfect solution for any solo or small team of entrepreneurs.

Every business starts with a list of … more here.

Once you’ve experienced our fear of technology programme you will be ready for our computer software for business training, this will involve an inside look into what you need to manage the startup of your business, right up to when you … more here.

Questions some people ask themselves when deciding on who should be involved if anyone in the setup and startup of their business:

  • So, why does anyone need a team?
  • Isn’t it much cheaper and thus more cost effective to start a business alone?

… more here.

Lovebeing Relationships


Root relationships: 0 – 14yrs

  • Start – Mum and Dad getting together to ‘make a baby’ or in some cases a little bit of dad being put inside mum (IVF).
  • Birth –  A baby is born (boy or girl)
  • Parents – Anyone…

more here…

Education & Working relationships: 14 – 21yrs (Phase 2)

  • Unemployment – This is the period in our life when we either extend our education from school by attending college or university, or we learn our first skill(s) or trade
  • Self Employment – working for oneself as a freelance or the owner of a business rather than for an employer

…more here.

Lessons learned relationship(s) – 21yrs+ (Phase 3)

  • Lessons learned – This stage represents the time when we are thinking about our relationship(s). We can either still be in the relationship or just reflecting. Either way, we are certainly assessing our situation with a view to either hiding from the unhealthy or..

more here…

Lovebeing relationship(s) – 21yrs+ (Phase 4)

  • Yes – You’re in love with your own being and would like to start sharing that love in your present (or next) relationship which will be built on learning from our lessons with love
  • Facing your darkness – You are…

…more here.

Passage Program


We live in a multicultural world where differences attract, similar to the animal kingdom. Humans meet each other in the different places, sometimes deliberately via an online portal where one displays all ones best attributes and other times accidentally at work, in pub, bar or club, more here.

A decision is made on some level, unknown to man or beast as to who we should use for transport onto Planet Earth. This decision cannot be made before a parent is born because some parents seem to spend their time after a child is born avoiding contact in any form. Therefore, I shall have to concede by saying if your parents have given birth to you, whether they make your life a misery or more here.

They say two’s better than one. In the case of child rearing it is a case many argue for and against. One parent is said to be able to manage the role of two. But, is this really true or have we become adept or comfortable with the new ‘norm’ of single parenting? More here.

All five states are related not only to our Being but also other Being’s. Here at Lovebeing we like to see each state as being maintained by love. We are all humans with choice. Sometimes others claim our choices by either taking them away forcefully or by using guilt to create a master slave scenario. Some people are fed just enough crumbs to keep them wanting more. The Hands allows us to… More here.

The Spiritual state is what it is. The state we wish to be in at any given time. Spiritual groups and activities can be handed down to us from a young age. If they serve a good purpose then this is to be celebrated. If they don’t then it is our journey and our choice. Taking the time to explore and share our spiritual side is an important part of our growth as human beings. Some of us choose to believe… More here.

Our Mental state of mind is a little more of a complicated beast, our minds can be like horses galloping constantly changing direction for no apparent reason or sometimes just because it believes it is approaching a dangerous situation. More here.

What is the physical, really?! Could it just be about how fit we keep our bodies? Or is it our diets and what we eat and drink?! No meat, only vegetables is an option many of us choose, against the normal dietary intake of eat everything and anything that moves or grows; if we can copy it and sell it for the same price, then we copy and eat it… more here.

The Emotional Passage is where we find our feelings. Feelings are embraced by some and ignored and avoided by others. Can we really avoid our feelings? Is it something that can go undetected?! Especially when they involve an attachment to our past memories or present relationships. There are those of us that have strong emotions that come up.. more here

There are those that don’t have a problem socialising, either because they have perfected hiding their insecurities and have mastered the art of conversation – as long as the conversation isn’t about them! Then there are those that would rather avoid a crowd or a conversation like the plague. Socialising starts with a healthy conversation with ourselves. It starts with… more here.

Way of Life Program


Loving our past is a question we often avoid, in order for us to enjoy our present. However, this is futile as we often end up reliving our past in our present in other ways more here.

Loving our present is something many of us struggle with, especially when we have plenty to think about in the past or hope for in the future; enjoying today can be very difficult when we are constantly reminded of what we’ve done or have not done. Sometimes we need to close our eyes and climb into the present in order to be free, more here.

Yes, action is the answer to our dilemma. However, taking action is something we struggle to do without assistance. Assistance is often seen as a weakness instead of a strength. Here at Lovebeing we provide the tools and techniques to help you with the assistance you need to turn your weakness into a strength, changing the course of your life for ever. Allowing you, like that butterfly, to take flight in the present instead of staying stuck in the future, more here.

If you want to know a person’s history, look at what they’re doing now! What are their habits? Are they reliable or always late? Are they trustworthy or always seem to be hiding something?

Look at the parental or caring relationships you’ve copied growing up, how do they compare with the ones you’re in right now? You will find they all paint a picture of who we were and who we are – right now. History gives us a foundation, a model an example outline of who we are… What we change, we change for the future generations of tomorrow. Thats ‘me’, that’s ‘you’, that’s right now! More here.

The inspection of our family brings with it a whole host of different connections. Connections most would rather ignore or explain-away as too complicated. With the big ‘P’ for Politics and the big ‘R’s for Religion, Race and Gender fighting for the top spot in the media. Any mention of masculine or feminine is sure to frighten away any individual who dares to enter this arena. However, ignoring these very important areas of our lives or even the lives or our loved ones is a disaster waiting to happen, one which will not stop the heart loving or hating anyone who differs from them – even slightly. Only a post code, village or town away is enough for the human race to become territorial. So, how do we tackle these issues without causing what could be, World War III?! More here.

Human beings in their different forms all still occupy a human body. The same body can be found in different colours, shapes and sizes all around the world, we share Mother Earth with the animal kingdom, sometimes dominating the weaker species for food or for fun.

As we all live here together, we all also die here together. Some mammals such as elephants, grieve the loss of their loved ones while on the opposite side of the spectrum similar to us humans, can just be cruel for no reason at all; Dolphins sit comfortably in this group of not so nice mammals.

Being human, sometimes we do things because of some-thing that has happened to us in our past, while others do it just because like dolphins (who can be the most adorable creatures), they can get away with it. More here.