Project Description

The Spiritual Passage

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The Spiritual Passage

Book a Rites of Passage Session Now!

The Spirit

The Hand is a metaphor representing the different states we embody as humans, there are five states:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Mental
  3. Physical
  4. Emotional
  5. Social

The Spiritual state is what it is. The state we wish to be in at any given time. Spiritual groups and activities can be handed down to us from a young age. If they serve a good purpose then this is to be celebrated. If they don’t then it is our journey and our choice. Taking the time to explore and share our spiritual side is an important part of our growth as human beings. Some of us choose to believe what you cannot see doesn’t exist, while others believe in a God, a deity, a hidden spiritual force who has defined rules written with which one has to follow in order to be saved in this life or the next. Many spiritual religious or religions have old manuscripts and writings centuries old which are to be followed by the letter. Others, create new ones to reflect the sign of the times.

The spiritual way can be integrated into the family structure as part of the culture of a family, stretching from generation to generation. We cam grow into a way of life predestined before we hit the planet. The way a person follows their religious group is different in some ways and similar in others, depending on what is being asked a person can worship their God, Higher force, image or object for all to see or behind closed doors.

One thing is sure, that is respect should be given to those that choose as part of their journey to worship whatever it is they wish. The beautiful thing in any situation is to listen to another’s passion for their religion. If one person respects another and does not try to force their views then much can be learned from the way of life of one sect to another. The spiritual journey can be explored from the outside. However, until you can feel it from within you will only be touching the surface. Of course, this is just a matter of opinion.

Listen to the planet, listen to your body.