Project Description

The Social Passage

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The Social Passage

Book a Rites of Passage Session Now!

The Social Passage

The Hand is a metaphor representing the different states we embody as humans, there are five states:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Mental
  3. Physical
  4. Emotional
  5. Social

There are those that don’t have a problem socialising, either because they have perfected hiding their insecurities and have mastered the art of conversation – as long as the conversation isn’t about them! Then there are those that would rather avoid a crowd or a conversation like the plague. Socialising starts with a healthy conversation with ourselves. It starts with a love for own being and then the removal of any worry or anxiety over what others may think, why because we know the truth. The truth that we are on our journey of life and where we are is where we are and its the perfect place to be to learn the next lesson on the wheel of life.

The worry factor has risen to new heights as we now have a new contender in the ring of communication, its called the Internet. The Internet, coupled with a computer or the all new singing and dancing small version of a computer – Smart mobile phone.

This new technological age has changed the hands of time, by allowing us to do in seconds or minutes what would once take, months or even years. The stone-age boundaries set long ago have been removed, with the speed of communication changing from a two-way telephone call to the rapid reproduction of information or message. Messages are being sent as a sentences, images, sounds or videos from one person to a group of hundreds or thousands of people at once or in a matter of seconds or minutes. The ‘like’,’dislike’ or opinion of others, can cause momentary happiness or deep depression – all depending on the state of mind we are in when we see or receive it.

Loving our emotional-selves has never been more vital, in our collaboration with the rest of the planet.

Listen to the planet, listen to your body.