Project Description

The Hand Passage

Book a Rites of Passage Session Now!

The Hand Passage

Book a Rites of Passage Session Now!

The Hand

The Hand is a metaphor representing the different states we embody as humans, there are five states:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Mental
  3. Physical
  4. Emotional
  5. Social

All five states are related not only to our Being but also other Being’s. Here at Lovebeing we like to see each state as being maintained by love. We are all humans with choice. Sometimes others claim our choices by either taking them away forcefully or by using guilt to create a master slave scenario. Some people are fed just enough crumbs to keep them wanting more. The Hands allows us to spend sometime assessing which areas of our lives may need some inner loving attention. Of course, this is all done without judgement. Click the link to any of the above for a more detailed encounter.

Listen to the planet, listen to your body.