Project Description

Explore You


Explore You


Love Being Me

Human beings in their different forms all still occupy a human body. The same body can be found in different colours, shapes and sizes all around the world, we share Mother Earth with the animal kingdom, sometimes dominating the weaker species for food or for fun.

As we all live here together, we all also die here together. Some mammals such as elephants, grieve the loss of their loved ones while on the opposite side of the spectrum similar to us humans, can just be cruel for no reason at all; Dolphins sit comfortably in this group of not so nice mammals.

Being human, sometimes we do things because of some-thing that has happened to us in our past, while others do it just because like dolphins (who can be the most adorable creatures), they can get away with it.

  • Being human

  • Being good or bad?

  • Being change

  • Different direction

Being – good or bad. Being bad tells us what we need to do, to be good. Our darkness gives us the tools we need to find our inner light. The question is, do we want to live in the light or do we want to remain in the darkness – well, that all depends on where we are on our journey.

The journey between death, the journey we call life, gives us everything we need to either remain in darkness, or leave and live in the light. Sometimes, when we make an attempt to deal with the issues that face us or those that live within us, we remain stuck in the dark… One person’s darkness is another person’s light.

Some of us believe we can change those we love by forcing them ‘lovingly’ into the light when we’re ready, but the time on their clock of life isn’t usually showing the same as our time. If a person leaves their darkness because of you and not because they’re ready, you run the risk of being pulled back into your own darkness by them and they run the risk of never leaving, why? Possibly, because of you!

Learn to love the good and the bad in another, their journey with you is with you for a reason, love or hate. Instead of changing them, spend your time changing you. The light is infectious and so is the darkness, if you spend time in either, you will be affected – positively or negatively.

Are you sure good and bad exists… Bad can be a lesson or a signpost to the light while Good can be a trap in the darkness. Being the change you want you to see in others is the perfect solution.

Being change is the number one answer to many of the problems we hide from or face on a daily basis. The physical world we live in and the mental world we create in our minds can be completely different. As we do, say and think things to support that world, we can become stuck in it. That make-believe world can trick us into skating through our life’s journey, and ignoring the great big signposts that keep popping up in front of us on a daily basis, requiring us to change direction. The change happens when, like any journey we come to a crossroads but instead of continuing on our original path, we take a turn in a different direction. That turn is our Change.

A different direction in life is a decision that can change our lives in ways we can only imagine. So, how do we make the move towards a new direction? It starts by looking at the things that keep us stuck going in a direction we no longer want to take, a habit we want to kick, a truth we want to admit to ourselves or others, a person we want to avoid or face, an addiction we want to stop… Different directions require doing something we have sometimes never done before successfully.

Some say being strong means we can do anything, but it can also mean we can be strong doing nothing. Stubbornness can be a gift that supports us or if we need a change of direction and remain stubborn, a curse that keeps us stuck. If being stubborn keeps you stuck in a cycle of promising yourself to do something you never get around to doing, then your gift becomes a curse and if you’re ready to change direction then time to get a helping hand. Support can come in any form, what is important is it must be strong enough to help you overcome your gift-come-curse. This support needs to be something you can’t easily brush off when your stubbornness kicks in. Someone kind and compassionate to speak to would be helpful, a group, a Lovebeingworkshop, or a compassionate coach.

Lovebeingcoaching is an example of the kind of support that helps people like you, who are ready, to take a different direction.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”.


Book a Lovebeingcoach today. You deserve it.