Project Description

Adulthood Passage

Book a Rites of Passage Session Now!

Adulthood Passage

Book a Rites of Passage Session Now!


  • Childhood (0-14yrs)

  • Teendom (7-14yrs old)

  • Warm-up Adult (14-21yrs)

  • Adulthood (21+yrs)

  • Adulthood (31-41yrs)

  • Elderhood (51+yrs)

In the Beginning

First innings of life (0-7yrs)

A decision is made on some level, unknown to man or beast as to who we should use for transport onto Planet Earth. This decision cannot be made before a parent is born because some parents seem to spend their time after a child is born avoiding contact in any form. Therefore, I shall have to concede by saying if your parents have given birth to you, whether they make your life a misery or give you the best days you can remember. They agreed way before they themselves were born – to be the car, van, ship or aeroplane of transport, getting you onto planet earth rain or shine. So, if anything be grateful to their before not after for giving you the opportunity to read or listen to this now…

That if anything is unconditional love. Some Parents plant the seed and don’t hang around to water it, leaving others to the task. This was there agreement. Any anger or ill feeling will just render you incapable of giving unconditional love… So, I’m saying, let it go… with love!

Back to the beginning. We or more importantly you are here, you’ve arrived. From the day you open your eyes if you’re not blinded by sight, you can see. What you see, you learn. Your ears are open, if you’re not deaf, you can hear. You breathe, you can live, you breathe, you can smell. If you have your arms and hands you can touch, what you touch you feel, the temperature can be cold, warm or hot. Feelings bring emotions, fear, sadness, joy, disgust, surprise, the list goes on.

What you is what you learn… Family & Friends become the playground of learning. Your primary caregivers, will set the stage for how to behave in different situations. Every little bit of information that comes in through the various channels of ears, nose, mouth, eyes and touch will be where you learn. You are a mini computer, with information coming in and you processing that information, making decisions based on how others have made decisions. You will be a copy cat, until…

Teendom (7-14yrs)

Until.. (7-14yrs)

We decide to stop copying and start making decisions for ourselves. Until we decide to start using the information we’ve learned to become our own person. This is where the information we’ve learned starts to become useful. We can start to say ‘no’ if our caregivers/parents will let us!! If we are allowed to make our own decisions and not forced to do what others deem as ‘good’ for us. We can actually grow to understand what failure means. If we are allowed between those ages to experience the cycle of failure and success. What it means to try something and fail and then try again and again until we succeed. If nobody interferes with this process by manipulating or smothering us, we will learn how to fall down and get up on to our own two feet without assistance, without a comfort blanket or cushion. We get to bruise and heal. Yes, bruise and heal. To understand how to bruise and heal is one of the greatest lessons one can learn at this very tender age before we move from tendon into…